Co op faq

Co-Op Studios FAQ

1 - What does a Co-Op Pass get me?

As a Co-Op member you’ll have full access to the 5 Co-Op Studios during regular hours:

  • Tuesday - Thursday: 1–8pm
  • Friday & Saturday: 10am–5pm

2 - Do I need a reservation to use a studio?

No. Walk-ins are welcome but Co-Op Passholders are encourage to schedule studio time with Skedda.

3 - How much does a Co-Op Pass cost?

Passes are available at varying rates, beginning at $15/month.

4 - Can anyone purchase a Co-Op Pass?

The Co-Op is open only to individuals ages 18 and over. Professional, developing, and just-curious artists of all kinds are welcome!

5 - Can I bring my kids with me?

For liability reasons, no one under 18 is allowed in the Co-Op Studios at any time.

6 - Can I purchase a Co-Op Pass at any time?


7 - Are supplies provided or do I need to bring my own?

Supplies are not provided and you are welcome to bring your own (see question 8 for details on clay). Many supplies are available for sale through The Union and are purchased via a supply punch card. Punch cards can be redeemed for supplies with a Co-Op Tech.

8 - Can I bring my own clay?

All clay used in the Ceramics Studio needs to be purchased through The Union, in an effort to maintain consistent kiln firing temperatures and safety. Brackers Flint Hills clay (cone 6), in buff color, can be purchased directly at The Union's front desk or on the web store. Purchase of clay includes up to two months of storage, studio glazes, and firing (both bisque + glaze).

9 - I’d like to visit the Co-Op before committing to a Pass. Can someone show me around?

Absolutely! We love showing off our space. For a full tour of the studios, drop by anytime during our regular office hours:

  • Tuesday - Thursday: 1–8pm
  • Friday & Saturday: 10am–5pm

10 - What if I need assistance from a tech with equipment in a studio?

Coordinate with Co-Op Studios Manager, Ryan for best days/times.

11 - Can I schedule photoshoots in the studio spaces?


12 - Can materials be stored at The Union?

Lockers available to rent at $5/month (lock provided).

13 - Can I set-up and use your building to (paint, draw, dance, etc)?

Unfortunately, we do not have unlimited space so we ask that members only use our Co-Op Studios for their intended mediums. However, we do encourage creativity and cross-pollination between mediums!

Additional Studio-Specific FAQ


  • How often do you fire the kiln?
    The current kiln firing schedule can be found posted in the Ceramics Studio.
  • What glaze temperature do you fire to?
    Cone 6
  • What is the size limit for pieces that can be fired?
    In order to accommodate the work of multiple artists, works being fired cannot exceed 12x12 inches.
  • What materials should I bring of my own if I am using the Ceramics Studio?
    We have communal tools, members using the Ceramics Studio are encouraged to bring their own apron, 1 gallon bucket (for reclaim) and a towel.


  • Can I develop and print color film in the Darkroom?
    No, only black and white chemistry is available in the Darkroom.


  • What materials should I bring of my own if I am using the Digital Studio?
    Flash drive is needed in order to save documents as nothing will save to the program or desktop after you log out.


  • How do I check out a loom?
    Reach out to the Co-Op Studios Manager Ryan at


  • What kind of inks can be used?
    For screen printing we only allow water based/acrylic inks. Relief and intaglio may use oil based.