Undesign the Redline: Community Advisory Committee
As part of the Undesign the Redline project, The Union is drawing on the guidance and wisdom of a robust Community Advisory Committee. The 21 leaders, advocates, educators, and community-organizers comprising the committee each claim deep connection to the various neighborhoods of Omaha and are ideally suited to guide this important work. Specifically, the committee is integral to the development of content, public programming, and community engagement for the duration of the project.
Undesign the Redline Community Advisory Committee
Katrina Adams | Omaha Community Foundation
June Bear-Noonan | Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition
Emily Brush | Making Invisible Histories Visible
Kirsten Case | UNO Service Learning
Pamela Conyers-Hinson | Artist + Educator
Manuel Cook | The Study
Tanya Cooper | The Omaha Star
Savannah Cuevas | Spark
Eric Ewing | The Great Plains Black History Museum
LaVonya Goodwin | Spencer’s Goodwin Barber Shop
Piece Greenberg | Creighton University
Tulani Grundy Meadows | The Union for Contemporary Art + Metro Community College
Bianca Harley | Greater Omaha Chamber
Dawaune Hayes | NOISE Omaha
LaKaija Johnson | Seventy Five North
Precious McKesson | North Omaha Neighborhood Alliance
Brigitte McQueen Shew | The Union for Contemporary Art
Jade Rogers | Metro Community College + UNO
Crystal Sierra | Omaha by Design
Kimara Snipe | South Omaha Neighborhood Alliance
Susan Stroesser | The Union for Contemporary Art
Historical Research Leads
Jeannette Gabriel
Jade Rogers
Fiona Kennedy
LaShira Lemons
Maria Valadez