Your Support Makes an Impact
The Union is forever grateful for the generous support of so many individuals and organizations who have sustained our work through the years. It is through these contributions – great and small – that we are able to achieve our vision of nurturing social change and promoting contemporary art forms in Omaha. Thank you!
Contribute to our WorkDouble Your Donation Through Employer Match!
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by their employees? Your generous donation to The Union could be doubled with just a few clicks. Visit the link below to see if you're employer matches donation.
Donation MatchJoin Our Community
The Union is thrilled to announce a brand new way for our community to engage with and support our programming: Union Membership! As a member, you’ll enjoy discounts on ticketed events and workshops, invitations to member events, and recognition as a contributor of our organization. Most importantly, your membership will directly support each of our seven programs.
Become a Union MemberDevelop Your Craft With Other Artists
When you purchase a pass to the Union Co-Op, not only do you gain access to 5 fully-equipped art making studios, you also join a community of developing and professional artists, working to deepen their practice. The funds raised through Co-Op passes are put right back into the studios, helping us maintain the equipment and purchase supplies
Purchase a Co-Op PassVisit Our SHARE Omaha Page
Would you like to support The Union in a concrete way by helping us secure items needed for our programming? SHARE Omaha offers the giving public opportunities to connect with metro nonprofits through donations, including items needed for operations. Visit The Union's SHARE Omaha wish list at the link below to donate low-cost items to be used throughout Union programs.
Union SHARE Omaha Page